Application Procedure for Initial Registration
If you are using the system for the first time, new user registration is required. Please read the usage guide and register as a new user.
Purpose of Use and Qualification
The purpose of this program shall be for promoting the field of life sciences via genome research, to improve the health of the Japanese public, and to contribute to education.
For details, please see Regulations on Use.
Those who qualify as one of the following can register as users:
- The Staffs and students of graduate schools, universities, incorporated national colleges of technology, and joint-use facilities/institutions of universities.
- Persons engaged in full-time research and who belong to an Independent Administrative Agency of a central government ministry such as the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, or a central government agency.
- Persons engaged in full-time research and who belong to an institution under the jurisdiction of the national government or a local government (authority) whose purpose is academic research.
- Persons engaged in full-time research and who belong to an institution whose purpose is academic research, and which is an institution that is authorized by the Director of the Human Genome Center, the Institute of Medical Science, the University of Tokyo (hereinafter, the “Center Director”).
- Persons engaged in academic research having received a grant-in-aid for scientific research, etc.
- Persons engaged in full-time research and who are participating in joint research under a contract agreement with an institution which employs person(s) falling under any of items 1-5 above.
- Persons working for a private enterprise or other corporate entity and who have received usage authorization from the Center Director or Computer System Administration Committee, after passing a screening test.
- In addition to those stipulated in each of the previous items, persons who have been specially authorized by the Center Director.
Application Procedure
Download application form
Application form (SHIROKANE, Academic/Private, Japanese/English common form)
- Send the completed application form to the following address:
- Supercomputer Secretariat Functional Analysis in silico Application The Institute of Medical Science, the University of Tokyo, General Research Building 8F Shirogane-dai 4-6-1 Minatoku 108-8639 Japan
Additional account application (SHIROKANE, Academic/Private, Japanese/English common form)
- Excel (Common to Windows / Mac)
Note for Users
It is necessary to submit a renewal application form for each fiscal year.
Note for Users
- Please agree to our terms of use, which should be followed throughout your usage
- Checking your email account
- Analysis and Storage of Data in Research that is Governed by Institutional Research Ethics Board
- About installing and using the software
- Academic work using Supercomputer
- Note for login node
- Disk quota limitation
- Backup
The department that manages the supercomputer does not issue e-mail accounts
Refer to IT Service Room homepage if you wish to use