General Structure
HGC's supercomputing system, SHIROKANE is the fastest supercomputer in the life-science research sector in Japan. SHIROKANE has many nodes and consists of a system Shirokane3 since January, 2015. Arithmetic capacity of Shirokane3 is over 400 TFLOPS, and storage capacity is over 12 PB. These excellent computing resources help researchers explore massive amount of gnomic data.
Shirokane3 (January 2015 -)
Shirokane3 General StructureSystem History
For past system update history, you can click on the link below:
January 2003 - December 2008SupercomputerSystem General Structure
January 2009 - December 2014Shirokane1 General Structure
January 2012 - December 2015Shirokane2 General Structure