


Below is the usage fee for supercomputer system SHIROKANE.

SHIROKANE Fee List for Academic Organizations

The fee list of SHIROKANE for academic users (PDF) SHIROKANE 学術機関向け料金表 SHIROKANE 学術機関向け料金表

Resources which can be added (academic users)

SHIROKANE 学術機関向けコースの追加可能なリソース SHIROKANE 学術機関向けコースの追加可能なリソース SHIROKANE 学術機関向けコースの追加可能なリソース SHIROKANE 学術機関向けコースの追加可能なリソース SHIROKANE 学術機関向けコースの追加可能なリソース SHIROKANE 学術機関向けコースの追加可能なリソース SHIROKANE 学術機関向けコースの追加可能なリソース

SHIROKANE Fee List for Private Company

The fee list of SHIROKANE for academic users (PDF) SHIROKANE 民間機関向け料金表 SHIROKANE 民間機関向け料金表

Resources which can be added (private company)

SHIROKANE 民間機関向けコースの追加可能なリソース SHIROKANE 民間機関向けコースの追加可能なリソース SHIROKANE 民間機関向けコースの追加可能なリソース SHIROKANE 民間機関向けコースの追加可能なリソース SHIROKANE 民間機関向けコースの追加可能なリソース SHIROKANE 民間機関向けコースの追加可能なリソース SHIROKANE 民間機関向けコースの追加可能なリソース

Jobs can be execute on a flat rate, using storage and resources.
Uploading and downloading data is free.
Application details can be changed monthly.
Civilian Agencies can register as users.
A review requires five business days (excluding weekends, and national holidays).
Service fees for those belonging to academic research institutes such as universities can be paid out of scientific research funds, and can be paid in a lump sum at specific times of the year, such as the end of the fiscal year.
Fees can also be paid as a lump sum at the beginning of the usage plan instead of as monthly payments.
Regulations on Use and the fee charts are reviewed annually.
If the user wishes to execute more than 128 jobs concurrently, the user needs to acquire the HGC Supercomputer License (Online Exam).
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The University of Tokyo. The Institute of Medical Science. : .

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