
Procedures for The-Next-Fiscal-Year

Announcement of Account Renewal Procedure

Dear HGC Users,

Supercomputing Services
Human Genome Center

Account renewal procedure for the next fiscal year
and submission of User's Reports

Thank you for your continued use of the services of our center.

Your HGC Supercomputer system account will expire on March 31, 2014.

In order to keep your account, please complete the renewal procedure 1.
If you wish to terminate your account, please complete the termination procedure 2. The deadline for both procedures is March 31, 2014.

As operational period was scheduled to last until the end of December 2014, we accept the application for use whose term is until the end of December 2014 in this account renewal procedure at the end of the fiscal year.

In 2015, the next Supercomputer system (Shirokane3 (tentative)) will be running.

Shirokane2 will keep on running after January 2015. We are organizing the extension of its operational period. For use of Shirokane2 after January 2015, we'll announce you in summer 2014.

Databases and Web services are also in the process of organization. We'll announce you when the system is prepared.

Operational schedule of HGC Supercomputer system
Year 2014Year 2015Year 2016
Shirokane1Until the end of December
Shirokane2Until the end of DecemberOrganizing the extension
Shirokane3 (tentative)Running in 2015

  • The operational schedule after 2015 is not definitive.

1. Renewal Procedure

Users who do not submit renewal forms will have their accounts deleted at the beginning of April. All files in those accounts will also be deleted.

1.1. "Application for Use" and "Account Application"

Fill in and submit the two forms titled "Application for Use" and "Account Application". "Account Application" is only for group course users.

The two forms are reformed every year. You can download them at "3. Related Documents", and use them.

  • Please submit the forms for each group.
  • Please check "New account" if you extend or change the course. The check column is in the above of the "Application for Use".
  • Please double-side print the form, "Application for Use". Sign and send them by post to HGC.
  • Please send the form "Account Application" by email attachment. If the person who is not the representative user or the person in charge of research send the form, please put them in the address.
1.2. "Usage Report"

Send a "Usage Report" by e-mail to
Title the e-mail "Publication list by the HGC Supercomputer resources" and attach the usage report.

If the case of group course, either submit all group member's usage report in a mail or submit the usage report each user is ok.

The usage report lists of all research achievements including papers, books, and web sites which draw upon the HGC Supercomputer system's resources. It should include the following information:

1. Username for HGC
2. Published papers and books
 Authors (all), Paper titles, Journal titles (abbrv.), vol: page (first-last), year
3. Published web site which draw upon the HGC Supercomputer system's resources
 Site title: URL
-- Example --
1. Username for HGC
2. Published papers and books
 * Yamada, T, Yamada, H and Tokyo, T. Analysis of protein-protein interaction. Anal. Chem. 356:100-200, 2013.
 * Yamada, T, Yamada, H and Tokyo, T. Analysis of protein glycosylation. In Cell Surface Glycoproteins. Edited by Yamada, T. (Tokyo Press, NY). pp1-10, 2013.
3. Published web site which draw upon the HGC Supercomputer system's resources
 * Cell System Markup Language:
 * BioRuby:

2. Termination Procedure

2.1. "Notification for Termination"

"Notification for Termination" can be notified by representative user and person in charge of research, only if you wish to stop all users in your group. Please email following items to Please set a subject as "Notification for Termination".

Item nameMeaning
Group name Please fill in with the stopping group name.
User name Please fill in with the stopping user name. In the case of group course, please fill in with representative user's user name.
Mail forwarding address
  • If you don't need to forward mail after termination, don't need to fill out.
  • If you would like to forward after termination, please fill in the mail forwarding address. In the case of group course, please fill in with representative user's mail forwarding address.
  • Mail forwarding service will end at the end of December 2014.

I would like to stop the use of Supercomputer system.
Group name:
User name:
Mail forwarding address:
-- Example --
I would like to stop the use of Supercomputer system.
Group name: hgcXXXX
User name:   xxxxxxxx
Mail forwarding address: xxxxxxxx@xxxx.xx.xx

  • If you are group course user and wish to set non-representative user's mail forwarding, please fill in "mail forwarding address" of "Account Application" and send it by email attachment.
2.2. "Usage Report"

Follow the same format as in 1.2 above.

3. Related Documents

★★ Deadline: Monday, March 31, 2014 ★★


General Research Building 8F
The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo
4-6-1 Shirokanedai, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8639
Tel: 03-5449-5620 (UTtel: 75620)

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The University of Tokyo The Institute of Medical Science

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