Fee for Shirokane1
This page describes the usage fees Shirokane1. Shirokane2 usage fees are here.
.Service Fee for Shirokane1
For details about service fees, please see Regulations on Use, academic user fee chart (Fiscal 2013), and private user fee chart (Fiscal 2013).
Shirokane1 Price list for academic organizations
The price list of Shirokane1. (academic users)
The queue and the number of slots of Univa Grid Engine which can be used (academic users)

Shirokane1 Price list for civilian agencies
The price list of Shirokane1. (private users)
The queue and the number of slots of Univa Grid Engine which can be used (private users)

- There are various usage plans ranging from a free usage plan to a large-scale occupation usage plan.
- Minute addition of resources is possible.
- Application details can be changed monthly.
- Corporate bodies can register as users.
- Service fees for those belonging to academic research institutes such as universities can be paid out of scientific research funds, and can be paid in a lump sum at specific times of the year, such as the end of the fiscal year.
- Fees can also be paid as a lump sum at the beginning of the usage plan instead of as monthly payments.
- A review requires five business days (excluding weekends, holidays, and the period from December 29 to January 3).
- Regulations on Use and the fee charts are reviewed annually.