

Hitachi HA8000/RS210

Shirokane2 Distributed-Memory Server Type-A

These newly integrated Type-A nodes provide faster computational power per node than Type-A Shirokane1 nodes can achieve. The Type-A nodes are attached to more memory available on the Type-B Shirokane2 nodes. Users can select their best computing work node for their application needs. Integrated into SHIROKANE as part of the Shirokane2 system in January, 2012

Server Specifications

System nameNumber of nodesDevice nameCPU/nodeMemory/
Distributed-memory server Type-A12Hitachi HA8000/RS210Intel Xeon X5675 3.06GHz (6 cores) × 2144 GB

Operational Period and Pictures

Operational Period

January 2012 -

Hitachi HA8000/RS210

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The University of Tokyo. The Institute of Medical Science. : .

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