

Hitachi HA8000-tc/HT225

Shirokane2 Distributed-Memory Server Type-B

The Type-B nodes have been available to the users since January, 2012. Each node is powered by the 16-core AMD 2.3 GHz Bulldozer CPU which is faster than the CPU found on the Shirokane1 Type-B nodes. There are total 504 Type-B nodes and they are connected through the high throughput data network. Type-B nodes are primarily designed and reserved for scientific batch computation, but also used for interactive work and web services.

Server Specifications

System nameRoleNumber of nodesDevice nameCPU/nodeMemory
Distributed-memory server Type-BWeb Server2Hitachi HA8000-tc/HT225AMD Opteron 6276 2.3GHz (16 cores) ×232 GB
Login Server8
Computation node494

Operational Period and Pictures

Operational Period

January 2012 -

Hitachi HA8000-tc/HT225

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